P.O.Box OH 151, Kasoa-Odupong, C/R, GH CG-1668-4619 worknlive2023@gmail.com

Robert Bismark Arkorful, known for his adventurous lifestyle even in his youth started travelling outside Ghana as a young man. He worked in different companies in diverse capacities based on his qualifications as a mechanical/automobile engineer. While working as a young man in some West African and Asian countries, he noticed how much his country Ghana and countrymen were missing out greatly in making life better for themselves. He observed and experienced that the Asians, Indians and Pakistanis hardly depended on importation of any kind. By any means crude or sophisticated, they produced almost everything locally. They produced machines which produced finished products via organic/inorganic materials available to them. They add value to their products and flood them on foreign markets. When he considered how rich and blessed Ghana is in terms of natural resources and as a person who is so passionate on the well-being of everyone around him, he decided to brighten his own corner by establishing Work and Live Foundation LBG, the kind which intends to focus on alleviating extreme poverty. In need of startup funding, Bismark has taken various jobs to acquire machines that would bring out the necessary production base of his objectives. Currently, the construction of the main machine shop is on going in the township of Winneba.